Restore Health and Function with Full Mouth Reconstruction

full mouth reconstruction

If your smile is compromised by trauma or decay, Dr. Jason L. Downey provides customized full mouth reconstruction at his Las Vegas, NV, office to fully restore health, function, comfort, and aesthetics.

This procedure can combine as many restorative and cosmetic dentistry treatments as needed to completely repair your smile. Dr. Downey has helped many patients address tooth loss, extensive decay, broken or damaged teeth, alignment issues, and gum disease in a customized treatment plan.

If you are suffering from a compromised smile, Dr. Downey has the sophisticated techniques and advanced training to restore your smile and help you experience a better quality of life.

Please contact our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Downey if you would like to rebuild your smile today!

Creating Your Treatment Plan

During your initial consultation with Dr. Downey, he will perform a thorough evaluation of your oral health. This exam can include discussions about your medical history, a review of your dental records, digital x-rays to view the underlying structures of your smile, and an evaluation of your gums.

This careful examination process allows Dr. Downey to identify all oral health issues and take note of your specific treatment goals. Based on this information, he will recommend a treatment plan. Our goal is to fully restore your smile in the most conservative and effective manner.

Commonly Combined Treatments

Patients in need of a full mouth reconstruction often undergo treatments that may include:

Your treatment plan is customized to fulfill your goals for your smile. At the same time, we are restoring your oral health!

Make a Full Mouth Reconstruction Appointment

A compromised smile can make it difficult and uncomfortable to eat, speak, and smile. If you are suffering with a compromised smile, a full mouth reconstruction performed by Dr. Downey can help you start experiencing a better quality of life. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Downey.